
Chazan Adrian Alexander Officiating at the Yom Hashoah Service in London 2015

Chazan Adrian Alexander Officiating at the Yom Hashoah Service in London 2015

Chazan Alexander has performed and continues to perform at many occasions and ceremonies. He has led Shabbat Services specially requested for Barmitzvahs / Batmitzvahs, Weddings, Memorial Services, Choral Selichot Services, concert performances and High Holy days. He is regularly accompanied by the Southgate and Cockfosters Synagogue choir among others and has close ties with other UK based Chazanim and singers. Among the many qualities that are necessary for a Chazan, Adrian has the ability to tailor the style relevant to the occasion and venue. Varying from Traditional Classical in the style of the great Chazanim of the last century, through to a more modern, inclusive sing-along approach, Adrian has been something of a leader in this regard.

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